Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Personalized duffle bag for students

Teachers are looking now to whom they give a present, only for selected students who are well-behave in the class can get a reward. And of course parents always wants to give surprises for their children because they all know that it makes their children happy especially when they see a big box that wraps with a nice paper and a Christmas ribbon on top of it. I can imagine the excitement and the happiness that the children will feel when they get something special from their parents or from their teacher.

One of the useful presents that you can give to your children or student is this personalized duffle bag.When you hang out with friends for instance going to the beach, filled trip, or a slumber party.The oh-mint laundry bag draw string also have a shoulder strap. And one of the most popular in school. No more lugging around a full laundry bag by the drawstrings! The laundry bag is also created with mint signature fabric and colorful border design. It is cute! I can tell since I've known some basic in sewing machine operation in my country. These draw string bag is easy to open and easy to close. I got one for my daughter and she love it. She used it when she will go to the library to borrow books. More books will fit in. Mint insulated lunch tote is soft, Insulated with bubble foil and constructed with colorful, sturdy nylon. Plus each has a zippered pouch in front. Just pick your favorite color and ribbon design. Embroidery is available in color shades to match every ribbon color . Insulated lunch tote is great..and kids will also love this too! It just remind me one of my friend who really love to collect bags. She has different kind of bag it depends on occasions that she attend to. But these one you can combine the lunch tote, duffle bag, towel wrap, or nap roll for a great coordinated.

Ezy Roller for Kids

Ezy roller is a three-wheel cart. It has no pedals, a chain, or batteries. It is very easy to ride this cart. Children will just use their feet to move forward. For kids who have not played or tried rollerblades, they should try this. It has a handbrake which is easy for kids to control and can go as fast as 12mph. Children who are active and energetic, this cart is good for them. Ezy roller glides so smooth that kids will be having fun. A good quality product which will last long so that children can ride and enjoy this cart for a long time. Wheels and seats are replaceable so if these will outwore you can order them. So, easy to order, just visit their website. Ezy roller comes in three colors pink, red, turquoise blue and suitable for children aged 3-14. Older children need one or two extension rods which are included. Now they also have ezy roller for two years old kids.

For adventurous type of kids, you might want to give them the Ezy-Roller. Unlike those that I found at the mall, this roller comes with three-wheel cart. It does not have any pedals, chain, or batteries. It simply moves forward as you move your feet. I know you’re familiar with this motor feature for it had been widely showcased on malls. But of course, I see this one’s more sophisticated and of higher quality. For a price of $99.99 of red, pink, or turquoise blue Ezy-Roller you’re sure that the recipient of this gift will enjoy it for 11 long years as it is suitable for kids aged 3-14. For safety purposes, a handbrake is built in the roller and maximum speed is about 12mph.

If your kids, on the other hand, are of home buddy type and who would love to play just around the house or in the backyard, a nap mat would be something that they’ll surely appreciate. But this gift will not be restricted to these reserved kinds of kids. This will also be a welcomed gift to those who love camping or mountaineering. It rolls up and has a Velcro closure with carrying strap that made it perfect for traveling youngsters.

But if the recipient would be someone that is kid at heart, like me, I would really be grateful if you buy me these personalized pillowcases.

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Freefall In Small Business Loans

Eight months afterwards President Obama began prodding the nation's banks to admission their baby business lending, the accommodation numbers abide to move in the adverse direction.

The 22 banks that got the best advice from the Treasury's bailout programs cut their baby business accommodation balances by a aggregate $10.5 billion over the accomplished six months, according to a government address appear Monday.

Three of the 22 banks accomplish no small business loans at all. Of the actual 19 banks, 15 accept bargain their baby business accommodation antithesis back April.

Acclaim crunch: Obama administering officials, including Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Baby Business Administering arch Karen Mills, will host a appointment Wednesday in Washington to altercate the lending challenges baby businesses face. Bankers, associates of Congress, and a alternative of baby business owners will participate.

While acclaim altitude accept bigger in some genitalia of the banking system, lending charcoal actual bound for businesses that await on banks for their financing, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke accustomed on Monday.

The commodity capacity the plight of Frank and Ingrid Brown who owns retail art and allowance shops and wants to expand.

They activated for $35,000 in baby business loans and "after bushing out mountains of paperwork, the brace got a accommodation for $14,000 -- beneath than bisected the $35,000 they activated for. Frank complained "By the time you get through everything, it is not alike account it."

They additionally activated for a $50,000 acclaim band and were alone accustomed for $10,000.

So what is it they need, $35,000, $50,000, or $85,000? If I was a coffer I would be acutely afraid about authoritative loans to aggrandize baby retail allowance shops in this ambiance abnormally back they appetite a ample band of acclaim to go forth with it.

Bear in apperception we do not accept all the facts, nor does the article. But these tales of woe are abortive after the facts. I see no acumen to accept this brace is a acceptable business risk. Conceivably they are, conceivably they are not but my affection is to ancillary with the banks.

Pump Runs Dry

Flashback March 16, 2009 Obama: Pumping money into baby biz

President Obama vowed Monday to affluence the banking plight of the nation's baby businesses, which accept been hit adamantine by the recession.

"Small businesses are the affection of the American economy," Obama said in a accent at the White House. "They're amenable for bisected of all clandestine area jobs, and they created almost 70% of all new jobs in the accomplished decade. They're not alone job generators, they're at the affection of the American Dream."

Abounding baby businesses, drowning from dried-up coffers and contributed bills, are accepting a boxy time accepting loans from lenders.

"Too abounding entrepreneurs can't admission the basic to start, accomplish or abound their business," Obama said. "Too abounding dreams are actuality deferred or denied by a anatomy letter abandoning a band of credit."

The bang bill allocated $730 actor for absolute spending on small-business programs, including broadcast banking abutment for the SBA's two key lending initiatives, the 7(a) and 504 programs. Under those programs, the SBA loans fabricated by banks to small-business borrowers. If the business defaults, the SBA picks up the tab for the insured allocation of the loan.

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

SWISS Airbus to Inaugurate San Francisco-Zurich Service

SWISS just announced a new non-stop between San Francisco and Zürich, and I cheered, both for European skiers heading for North American mountains and for U.S. skiers heading for the Alps. The service is scheduled to begin on June 2, so skiers from both continents will have to wait until the winter of 2009-10. There will be six flights a week, and flight numbers and timetable are already in place:

San Francisco-Zürich (SFO-ZRH) LX 39 dep. 7:25 p.m. arr 3:40 p.m + the following day

Zürich-San Francisco (ZRH-SFO) LX 38 dep. 1:15 p.m. arr 4:30 p.m.

Deep-pocketed flyers will travel in the incomparable luxury of a SWISS First class cabin or the enhanced comfort of SWISS Business class with a new fully reclinable seats innovative air seat cushions that can be individually adjusted. Even for the rest of us, the carrier promises "a more comfortable SWISS economy experience."

And I don't doubt it. A lifetime ago, I worked as a sales promotion writer in New York for Swissair, the predecessor to the current SWISS. In those days, the airline's North American gateways were New York, Boston, Chicago, Montreal and Toronto. Today there are seven (Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Newark, and Montreal), and come June and the addition of San Francisco, there will be eight.

Two Denver Museums

Museums exert a magnetic pull on me. Whenever I travel --whether to a significant city with world-class museums or a small town with a tiny museum filled with local teasures and memorabilia -- I visit as many as I can. We are members of several local museums, including the Denver Art Museum and the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, and I visit but not often enough. In the last 10 days, I went to the DAM when I had time in downtown Denver between scheduled events and then to Nature & Science with friends visiting for Thanksgiving. I spent most of the time in both museums seeing special exhibits, and I recommend both. FWIW, I went to the art museum on an uncrowded Wednesday afternoon, and four of us visited Nature & Science on the busy Friday of Thanksgiving weekend.

Charles M. Russell at the Denver Art Museum

The Denver Art Museum is showing the first major retrospective of the works of Charles Marion Russell, who depicted a Wild West that had already been considerable "tamed" by the time he documented it between the mid-1880s until his death in 1926. More than 60 important artworks of this self-taught artist are shown, including oil paintings, bronze sculpture and mixed media, plus a selection ofletters and personal objects that portray the artist in his own words and images. Russell was a Western artists but not a "cowboy painter." He actually painted more Native Americas than gringo cowpokes. The entrance to the exhibit, where no photography is permitted, is shown below.

Tulsa's renowned Gilcrease Museum which I have visited. Still, I learned a lot about the artist whom I had often lumped into a pair, "Remington and Russell." Iin truth, these two renowned Western artists overlapped only slightly and corresponded during that time. The Russell exhibit, which hangs through January 10, is included in the museum admission: adult admission, $10 for Colorado residents, $13 for others. Click here to see all admission prices.

Rabu, 18 November 2009

Denver-DIA Rail Line Construction to '10

The week has been hectic, and my newspaper reading was minimal, so I missed a brief Associated Press report in Wednesday's Denver Post indicating that "construction of a $1.3 billion train from downtown Denver to the airport is expected to begin this summer." Other reports indicate that it should be finished by 2015.

Regional Transportation District acting chief Phillip Washington reportedly made an announcement on Tuesday night about a public-private partnership to construct the line and its "hopes" for $1 billion in federal dollars. Work is expected to start in August. According to the Post, "RTD officials have said the airport train isn't dependent on getting federal funds because it can be built with RTD funds and $950 million in financing expected from the public-private partnership.

Curiously, the fourth of five news items on RTD's website (following promoting holiday service via SkyRide buses, announcing the temporary unavailability of the online TripPlanner on Monday and promoting use of public transportation to next weekend's Parade of Lights in downtown Denver) covered this really big news.

Here's the RTD announcement:

RTD's East and Gold Line FasTracks Corridors receive major stamp of approval by Federal Transit Administration.

Major milestone marks the end of environmental processes and the start of transition to Eagle P3 Project.

RTD's East and Gold Line FasTracks Corridors receive major stamp of approval by Federal Transit Administration. Major milestone marks the end of environmental processes and the start of transition to Eagle P3 Project.

RTD celebrated a major milestone for the FasTracks transit expansion program at a special ceremony on Friday, November 20 at Denver International Airport – the completion of the environmental processes for the East Corridor and Gold Line projects. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has signed the Records of Decision for each of the projects signifying the formal environmental approval of the projects.

The two projects will now become part of the Eagle P3 Project, RTD’s public-private partnership to deliver some of the FasTracks projects, including the East Corridor and Gold Line.

RTD plans to select a team of private partners in June 2010 to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the $2.3 billion Eagle P3 Project. Construction-related activity is expected to begin on the East Corridor later in 2010.

The East Corridor is a proposed 23.3-mile electric commuter rail line that will run from Denver International Airport to Denver Union Station. The Gold Line is a proposed 11.2-mile electric commuter rail line that will connect Denver Union Station to Wheat Ridge, passing through northwest Denver, Adams County and Arvada.

East Corridor and Gold Line Record of Decisions

"This milestone speaks volumes to the progress we are seeing on the FasTracks investment initiative,” said Phil Washington, RTD Interim General Manager. “This is a great vote of confidence by the Federal Transit Administration that keeps us on track to pursue up to $1 billion in federal funds for FasTracks.”

“We are excited to celebrate today’s event with RTD and with representatives from our surrounding communities,” said Kim Day, Manager of Aviation for Denver International Airport. “Having a direct rail link between downtown Denver and the airport is crucial for our passengers and our employees and the addition of FasTracks at DIA will help us stand out as a truly world-class facility.” FasTracks is RTD’s voter-approved transit program to expand rail and bus service throughout the RTD service area.

I can hardly wait for this -- and also for a FasTrack's light rail line finally to be built to Boulder.

London-Madrid High-Speed Train Being Built

Meanwhile, even as we congratulate ourselves for what seems to be implementation this project, travelers will be able to take a new high-speed train between London and Madrid in eight hours. Renfe, the Spanish government rail operator, and SNCF, its French counterpart, are jointly building the new train, which was probably inspired by the successful EuroStar, which makes the Paris-London trip in 2 1/4 hours.

Rabu, 11 November 2009

Asian Airports,Seoul Top Traveler Satisfaction Survey

On Monday, I wrote a post about The Daily Beast's take on 27 US airports, the best of which isn't all that great when compared with others on the world stage. The Beast called its post "Airports From Hell." Thanks goplantit.com for calling attention to a Business Week story called. "Why Asia Has the World's Best Airports." It reported on the results of the latest annual Airport Service Quality Survey of some 200,000 international travelers conducted by Geneva-based Airports Council International. The top five are Seoul, Singapore, Hong Kong and Halifax. Four in Asia, none in Europe and one in North America.

"Seoul's Incheon International Airport snagged first place in the ranking for the fourth straight year," wrote Business Week's Moon Ihlwan. "Two years before opening the $5 billion airport in 2001, airport administrators set up a task force that analyzed what some of the world's best airports were doing right. The task force looked at Singapore, Hong Kong, Denver and Atlanta. Then planners set about figuring out how the new Seoul airport could offer services that would outdo those hubs. The airport, which last June completed the $3 billion addition of a passenger terminal and runway, has earmarked $120 million for further upgrades in parking and other amenities this year."

Beyond improvements that run into the millions, Ihlwan wrote, "airports in the U.S. are widely viewed as public facilities, while those in Asia are seen as service-oriented businesses....To attract airlines and travelers, Incheon airport has cut down on waiting times. Administrators reassigned terminals for planes making a brief stop and reprogrammed computerized baggage handling systems. The result: Last year the airport reduced to 45 minutes from 55 minutes the minimum connection time for passengers who are traveling through Seoul to other destinations. The airport authority also spent around $7 million on a new 240-seat lounge, which opened last June for departing passengers and offers free showers, Internet connections and movies on giant-screen TVs."

Jumat, 18 September 2009

Problem facing the travel industry

That's the question traveler consumer advocate Christopher Elliott is asking readers of his award-winning website. He has declared today as "open-mic Tuesday," and he wants to hear from you. If you've got a gripe or, more productively, a practical suggestion on how to solve a general industry problem that you have identified, drop him an E-note at elliottc@gmail.com, including your full name, occupation and city/state. Besides the opportunity simply to vent, something might come of this, because when Chris Elliott speaks, the travel industry listens.